Founded in 1964, the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) is a public scientific and technological institute which operates under the joint authority of the French Ministry of Health and French Ministry of Research.
The National Center for Scientific Research, or CNRS, is a public organization under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education and Research. As the largest fundamental research organization in Europe, the CNRS carries out research in all fields of knowledge.
CORTEX is a project that was awarded LabEx (Laboratoire d'Excellence) by the French Government (through international experts) via the ANR (the National Research Agency). The LabEx projects are part of a state initiative that promotes Excellency in French Research. The LabEx projects contribute to improve international visibility of the French best research teams. Consequent funding allow reinforcement of the scientific potential from these specific teams thanks to recrutments and equipments.
CORTEX is a rare and combined multidisciplinary effort to understand the brain and human cognition, based on systems level studies of networks and interactions of multiple scales, from neurons to individuals. Understanding cognition and its biological roots, but also its pathologies requires a comprehension of its genesis, its structure, and its physiology. CORTEX pushes this integrative approach, which allows tapping into the resources of our brain for rehabilitation; the design of new and therapeutic procedures. One further perspective will be to pave the way, via reverse engineering of the brain, to the emerging field of bio-inspired technologies.
Instruments for recording and analyzing electrical activity from the brain and the nervous system. Spike sorting, data acquisition, microelectrode amplifiers, ...
Plexon is a pioneer and leading innovator of custom high performance solutions for data acquisition, behavioral research and advanced analysis specifically designed for neuroscience research. Our equipment and solutions lay the foundation for work performed around the globe in fields such as basic science, Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMI), neurodegenerative diseases, addictive behaviors and neuroprosthetics.
ATLAS Neuro is becoming the standard for silicon-based in-vivo electrophysiology. With our clean-room facility at IMTEK, Freiburg and imec, Leuven, we define the state-of-the-art for in-vivo electrophysiology. Our innovative electronic depth control probes allow high-density electrode recordings without the need to mechanically reposition the probe. In addition we also produce single shaft, multi shaft and 3D arrays containing microelectrodes up to 256 channels that are used in free behavioural experiments.
L’ARC 2 Qualité de vie et vieillissement
Les missions des ARC :
- Soutenir et promouvoir une recherche interdisciplinaire et transversale en Rhône-Alpes
- Structurer la recherche en Rhône-Alpes autour de grands enjeux sociétaux
- Créer des synergies entre recherche académique et monde socio-économique, sanitaire, culturel et associatif
- Accompagner la formation des futurs chercheurs rhônalpin
L’ARC 2 rassemble les forces de recherche en Rhône-Alpes dans les domaines de la qualité de vie et du vieillissement. Situé au carrefour des problématiques liant qualité de vie, handicaps et vieillissement, l’enjeu des travaux soutenus par l’ARC 2 est de permettre la rencontre de la gérontologie, du handicap et des technologies de santé, pour une meilleure qualité de vie, des champs complémentaires aux cultures professionnelles bien différentes.
L’ARC 2 rassemble ainsi les forces de recherche en Rhône-Alpes, organise les réseaux scientifiques, assure la communication et le transfert de la science vers le milieu sociétal, sanitaire et économique, pour fournir des réponses à un besoin social, tout en valorisant ce travail sur tous les plans.